I just got my Smut Marathon reminder that I only have 3 days before my my Round 4 assignment is due. I have yet to read the Round 4 prompt or even start writing, I'll save that for tomorrow, but it seemed like the right time to post my Round 3 entry. Round 3 wasn't an elimination round, which is probably just as well because it's one of the hardest assignments in this competition. Last year when we got this same assignment we were further into the competition and had a higher word count option, which definitely made it easier but it wasn't any more fun. Additionally, this year's assignment was even more stringent than last year's. This year we were asked to write an erotic/sexy conversation between two people where the dialogue took no less than 75% of the 180-200 word count. Because the Lovely Rebel is a rockstar, she gave us some logistical help and said that a 180 word piece would have 135 dialogue words and a 200 word piece would have 150. Ya'll, this assignment is two things: #1: a very small word count in which to establish a story of any kind #2: 4000% more difficult than average because only 45-50 words can set the place, character and tone without being spoken as exposition Sigh. So, here's what I wrote: Snap Shot “What do u like” “I like complete words and punctuation.” His text bubble bobs on my screen. “Good to know what your mind likes but I’m more interested in what your pussy likes.” “Oooh well, my mind and my pussy both like precise communication. Especially the dirty kind…” “Precise and dirty? Intriguing.” “You think you’re up for that?” “I’m up for a lot of things. Say, for instance, I asked you to stand up and take off your panties. You would…?” “I’d do it.” “And put your panties in your mouth.” I stand and strip off my panties. “Ok.” “Put. Them. In. Your mouth.” How can he know?? I shove the white cotton in my mouth. “Good girl. How do you taste?” “Salty, sweet… a little slippery.” "Mmmm... Why don’t you let me be the judge of that. Bend over the bed... spread your legs.” My fingers find my swollen clit. “Naughty girl. I didn’t tell you to touch yourself.” I spit the panties out. “Where are you? How can you see me??” “Put those panties back in your mouth, turn over and look out your window.” A flash of light. Then darkness. .................. I'm not much into analyzing my own work after the fact, especially since I was mostly pleased to have finished the assignment at all, and my piece again registered in about the middle of the pack, which was probably fair. But what I felt, and some other people commented, was that it was grueling to read all the entries and I didn't find many that stood out. There was a lot of "sameness" going on and some people even commented that they got tired of reading so many phone and text conversations. That's a fair complaint but given the difficulty of just following the rules of this assignment, I simply agreed with those complaints but didn't take them personally. It was a hard assignment and I salute all 63 of us for getting through it. Next week we'll see the entries from round 4 and I encourage all my readers to read and vote! Meanwhile happy monday :)
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April 2023