Cum to Thailand part 2 - the first part of this story is here. When I planned this trip to Thailand, I made a short list of things to do. I wrote the list down and now I can’t find it but one of the things at the top of the list was a ping pong show. A ping pong show is a live sex show where girls do “tricks.” SE Asia everywhere but Thailand specifically is known for sex tourism, which was one of the draws for Jack and I and our planned love affair. Like us, tourists come to SE Asia to see sex shows and get prostitutes that will service ANY clientèle. The Thai are very service oriented in all ways and the answer is never “no” but always “how much?” The specifics of sex tourism always involve human trafficking, which is not something I thought about then. Not really. I was uneducated about sex work at that point in my life and I was overwhelmed by the fundamentally selfish nature of both this trip and our love affair. I only considered our activities from my own point of view. That’s actually a general tourist problem and not one specific to sex tourism. Tourists are consumers. By nature they take from a country and don’t give back and when it comes to sex tourism, this equation gets infinitely more complicated. I now a lot more now than I did then. I’ve told this story so many times in so many ways that it’s tempting to rewrite history from my perspective now. I’m trying not to do that here. I’ve decided to leave this story as I wrote it during the experience, understanding that my lack of education made me unknowingly complicit in one of the world’s worst crimes.There’s a huge legal case in the US right now about this very subject and to those men on trial and to my younger self, I can only say this: ignorance is not a defense or an excuse. Fortunately, this Thailand trip taught me better, as you’ll see. But I had to learn the hard way. This story was the beginning. The Pink Poncho We didn't have much of a plan for meeting up when Jack got to Thailand. I had an international cell phone but I didn't have a Thai number so Jack had no way to call me. It would have been smart to get his phone number, but I didn't. Plus I changed hotels while he was en route so I couldn't tell him where I was staying. PLUS, he didn't have an exact flight arrival date or time so I didn't know when to expect him.
Given all of that, the fact that we finally met up on the streets of Bangkok is nothing short of a miracle. But maybe that was just par for the course. Our first kiss was on the street with a crazy taxi driver hanging out of his window, laughing and waving at us. I was staying in the least romantic hotel room ever with two single beds. There was an intense smell of mildew and much of the room was dominated by the bathroom, which was mostly a shower nozzle in the wall over the toilet and a drain in the middle of the floor. Welcome to Southeast Asia. But it didn’t matter because we were naked within 15 minutes of seeing each other. The sex was hot and crazy and desperate and fast the way you might expect after 2 months of teasing. We took a shower together afterwards and added a flood to the total destruction of the room and then locked the door and went out on the town to find some trouble. Before Jack arrived, I had traveled for a week with two friends from work – Mark and Ainsley - and I told them about ping pong shows. They’d never heard of such a thing and they were fascinated. One night I stayed in the hotel but they walked out to Khao San road, the Bangkok French Quarter, and Ainsley heard someone say “Ping pong show?” and tried to give her a little business card. After they walked past, she said to Mark “Annie was right! I can't believe we just got offered tickets to a sex show!” Mark said “No way! He said 'Pink Poncho!'” Ainsley just looked at him and said “Pink ponchos? At 2am? Really???” and Mark said “It’s Thailand! It’s always raining!” They declined to take the guy up on his “pink poncho” invitation but they told me all about this story with much hilarity the next morning over breakfast and Ainsley gave me the approximate coordinates of the guy and his location on Khao San Road. So when Jack arrived we went looking for the pink poncho guy. Ping pong shows aren't legal, even in Thailand, but we didn't have much trouble finding a guy who knew of a place and would take us there for a price. Jack negotiated, they agreed on a number, we hopped in a tuk-tuk and took off. We arrived at a drab multi-story building that was empty on the bottom floor. A small man met us at the door, saw our tuk-tuk driver and knew why we were there because tuk-tuk drivers have agreements with managers of restaurants, souvenir shops, sex shows etc. When they bring tourists in they get a cut of the door price or the bill. This door man very carefully and specifically gave us a run down of what we would be seeing, told us the the price only involved the show but if we wanted “extras,” that could be negotiated . We verbally agreed to the show, but not the extras, and paid for two $15 tickets. Upstairs was a small round stage with several poles, a couple runways leading to the stage and the small audience section was a series of couches about half-full with foreigners. When we got there I was the only woman and we were the only ones speaking English. The atmosphere was quiet, dark and low-key. Secretive, maybe. We sat in the front row since I was curious and Jack figured we should get our money's worth. The show was divided into “acts” with an announcer introducing the girls, telling us what they would do and controlling the play lists. The girls were all attractive, young and lean, but they had world weary faces. I remember thinking “If eyes had really looked into the pits of hell, I bet they would look like this…” They all wore black bikinis and when they started their acts they would take their panties off of one leg and tie it up around their other leg like a garter. Unlike America, none of the girls were completely bare and instead had neatly groomed pubic hair. The first act was a “ribbon show.” The girl had what looked to be a mile of string tagged with little glow-in-the-dark flags tucked up into her pussy. She pulled the end of the string out, tied it to a pole and then wrapped it around the stage poles while she walked around the stage. The flags glowed under the black light and I wondered how she kept that string from getting tangled. It was a curious act but not very erotic. After the glow-in-the-dark flags was another ribbon show, this one with razor blades. (!) The girl pulled the ribbon out the same way, wrapped it around the poles and cut the string with the razor blades to prove their sharpness. I put this act in the category of unerotic and also terrifying. Following her, a girl tucked ping pong balls inside herself and then squatted and dropped them into a cup; another girl poured water into herself and then poured it into a bottle and then a pair of girls played musical instruments with their pussies. All intriguing. None erotic. At this point the show ramped up a bit with obvious audience favorites, like the girl who asked for Jack’s name and then put a pen in her pussy, balanced herself on her hands and feet like a crab and wrote “Welcome to Bangkok, Jack” on a piece of paper. I paid her 100 baht for that paper and I still have it. Another impressive physical act was the girl who had two bottles of carbonated water with metal caps. She squatted, stuck those bottles up her pussy, arched her back and popped the bottles open with such force that the water sprayed all over the stage and the front row where we were sitting. Let’s assume that she had a bottle opener tucked up there but still, I just… couldn’t even wrap my mind around the muscular control to keep that opener in place. My favorite act was the girl who gave out three balloons to audience members and stood them in the three runways leading up to the stage. Then she laid on her back in a yogi bridge position, put a blowgun in her pussy, and popped those balloons by shooting darts at them! Those darts traveled at least 12 feet! She took out the first two balloons with two shots and then she missed the third one. So she put in another dart and missed it again. Oooh, she was pissed. She motioned the guy further over, had him raise his arm a little bit more and I watched her reposition herself, take a deep breath, gather all the force, her chi, the magnitude of the Thai sex gods or whatever it was and she flexed some muscles somewhere and fucking shot that balloon right out of the air. I’ve never seen anything like it, ever. The ping pong show ended with a man and woman having choreographed sex in all kinds of kama sutra type positions including hanging from the rings on the ceiling. The girl looked intensely bored, the guy looked very focused and athletic and the whole thing was anticlimactic after the blow gun event. As with most of the rest of the show, it wasn't sensual or erotic and I walked out thinking, as I so often do, “huh, that was interesting...” and checking ping pong show off my life to-do list. That was my first taste of the Thai sex industry. The next taste, however… that’s a story for next week.
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I finally watched Homecoming on Netflix and was (again) filled with awe at Beyonce's work ethic, vision and discipline. Combine that with the battle of Winterfell last night and it's been a very good weekend for bad ass ladies! Ms Violet has been running a meme called Lingerie Is for Everyone and I've been wanting to participate so today feels like a good day for that. Click on the badge below and go admire the rest of the lacy silky deliciousness on display. Happy Monday everyone! I follow so many remarkable writers and photographers and I don't shout them out nearly as often as I should. So, here's a little list of entries that caught my attention this week: 1. Heather Cole's Vagina Antics - Nothing Was Supposed to Happen - Heather's story about a unexpected meet-up at a play party and that fiery sexy instantaneous chemistry you can have with a stranger was unspeakably hot hot hot hot! I follow Heather on her blog and on Instagram and she tops my list of people I 'know" virtually that I would love to know in real life as well. Plus she's a fantastic writer and her stories, well, *fans self*... I'll let you go read them for yourselves. 2. Mx Nillin's 30 Day Orgasm Fun, Part 5: Endgame - I discovered Mx Nillin during the February Photo Fest and fell in love with their honesty, vulnerability and lewd, funny, sexy writing and pictures. I've loved reading their journey through the 30 day orgasm challenge created by Tabitha Rayne for the month of April and in this Endgame entry, Mx Nillin writes beautifully about spending the day with their partner Fal exploring sensual non-sex pleasures and then posts the most adorable picture of them in the bath. Experiences that are both affectionate and sexual are my favorites. 3. Ms Violet Fawkes has a spectacular new meme called Lingerie Is for Everyone. Her entry Burned in Blue not only quotes one of my most favorite poets but also features a wistful delicate picture of her softness enclosed in blue lace. I'm a little biased since I have that same bra in burgundy but I particularly love the contrast of her red nails and her dreamy skin. The words and the picture go perfectly together. 4. Speaking of Lingerie Is for Everyone, I've not been able to get Joe's picture out of my mind since I first saw it a couple weeks ago. The combination of strength and delicacy is captivating. I'm not usually one for pictures of men in women's panties but this picture has stayed with me and I love it. 5. Lovely Missy over at Focused and Filthy had an incredible #sinfulsunday entry for last week, the one she calls Birthday Present. She has such a talent for photos that are startlingly focused in their subject matter and intent. Her eye for close-ups and clarity of detail is unparalleled and I take a lot of inspiration from her photographs. Troll through her photo archives and you'll see what I mean. This is just a taste of all the juicy deliciousness out there this week! And there's so much more that I didn't cover so I challenge my readers to go check out someone new and give them love and support by way of a comment or a tweet! Happy Saturday. XO
And you best not forget it... ;)
Go check out Hy's page and all the glorious boobs for BoobDay! Happy Friday everyone. I just got my Smut Marathon reminder that I only have 3 days before my my Round 4 assignment is due. I have yet to read the Round 4 prompt or even start writing, I'll save that for tomorrow, but it seemed like the right time to post my Round 3 entry. Round 3 wasn't an elimination round, which is probably just as well because it's one of the hardest assignments in this competition. Last year when we got this same assignment we were further into the competition and had a higher word count option, which definitely made it easier but it wasn't any more fun. Additionally, this year's assignment was even more stringent than last year's. This year we were asked to write an erotic/sexy conversation between two people where the dialogue took no less than 75% of the 180-200 word count. Because the Lovely Rebel is a rockstar, she gave us some logistical help and said that a 180 word piece would have 135 dialogue words and a 200 word piece would have 150. Ya'll, this assignment is two things: #1: a very small word count in which to establish a story of any kind #2: 4000% more difficult than average because only 45-50 words can set the place, character and tone without being spoken as exposition Sigh. So, here's what I wrote: Snap Shot “What do u like” “I like complete words and punctuation.” His text bubble bobs on my screen. “Good to know what your mind likes but I’m more interested in what your pussy likes.” “Oooh well, my mind and my pussy both like precise communication. Especially the dirty kind…” “Precise and dirty? Intriguing.” “You think you’re up for that?” “I’m up for a lot of things. Say, for instance, I asked you to stand up and take off your panties. You would…?” “I’d do it.” “And put your panties in your mouth.” I stand and strip off my panties. “Ok.” “Put. Them. In. Your mouth.” How can he know?? I shove the white cotton in my mouth. “Good girl. How do you taste?” “Salty, sweet… a little slippery.” "Mmmm... Why don’t you let me be the judge of that. Bend over the bed... spread your legs.” My fingers find my swollen clit. “Naughty girl. I didn’t tell you to touch yourself.” I spit the panties out. “Where are you? How can you see me??” “Put those panties back in your mouth, turn over and look out your window.” A flash of light. Then darkness. .................. I'm not much into analyzing my own work after the fact, especially since I was mostly pleased to have finished the assignment at all, and my piece again registered in about the middle of the pack, which was probably fair. But what I felt, and some other people commented, was that it was grueling to read all the entries and I didn't find many that stood out. There was a lot of "sameness" going on and some people even commented that they got tired of reading so many phone and text conversations. That's a fair complaint but given the difficulty of just following the rules of this assignment, I simply agreed with those complaints but didn't take them personally. It was a hard assignment and I salute all 63 of us for getting through it. Next week we'll see the entries from round 4 and I encourage all my readers to read and vote! Meanwhile happy monday :) Dinner plans? Mary gaped at Come-N-Save’s hothouse cucumbers, still sheathed in thin plastic (seamed for her pleasure): it had been too long since she had a proper salad. With a firm cucumber nestled in her basket, she wandered the produce aisles gently squeezing plump round tomatoes and flicking wet droplets off a long hard carrot with a curved tip that suddenly looked very familiar. Mary’s cheeks flushed. She gasped as she plunged an experimental finger into a ruffled head of lettuce, lightly pressing on the tight small bud at the core, and made a decision. Sucking the moisture off her finger, she left damp marks on her phone as she texted “You should come over tonight.” She smiled. Now to find the perfect creamy dressing. I wrote this for the second round of last year's smut marathon. The first line was the prompt, written by Su Orwell in the first round, and the assignment was 100 word microfiction to finish the story. Even within the challenge of the word constraints, I enjoyed my own personal challenge of writing something erotic without a single bit of sex in it. However, this entry was one of the ones I liked more than any other voters did. But I still like it. Plus now it has a picture to go with it. :) Happy Sunday everyone. I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky. ― Aleister Crowley |
April 2023